Founded in 2013 to serve the youth of the Lockwood, MO community, the Optimist Club of Lockwood oversees youth sports and a variety of other events, including hosting Lockwood's annual fall festival celebration. We help to meet the needs of school and community youth-related activities when there are budget shortfalls. All of our projects are made possible by the support of the businesses in the Lockwood community through our annual sponsorship drive.
If you'd like to become a member or a sponsor, please
contact us or join us for our monthly meetings, typically held on the first Thursday of each month at noon at Prairie Station. Updates to meeting times and activities can be found by following the Optimist Club of Lockwood on facebook!
One of our favorite projects! Each December we partner with the School's Book Fair to give every student at Lockwood Elementary, Immanuel Lutheran School, Immanuel Early Childhood Center, and every family enrolled in the Lockwood and Golden City Parents as Teachers program a new book. That's over 200 books each year!
Held each year in May at the United Methodist Church Family Life Center. We partner with our Mercy Clinic staff, community and government organizations, and local businesses to provide a variety of safety related booths. This project serves preschool through middle school students from Lockwood public schools, Immanuel Lutheran School, and the homeschooling community.
Optimist International contests provide an opportunity for our junior high and high school aged students to show off their writing & speaking skills. Contests begin at the Club level with our local winners being awarded medals and cash prizes, then advancing to regionals to compete for Optimist scholarships.
Our Senior Spotlight recognizes outstanding members of the senior class for their high school achievements. Each Senior Spotlight recipient is then eligible to compete for one of our Optimist Club Scholarships!
The reason you're here! We're happy to host the annual celebration, held each fall. We work with Lockwood Schools to plan the festival for Homecoming weekend.
With the help of our sponsors, we're able to recognize outstanding students through our Student of the Month program. Every month students are recognized from Lockwood elementary, middle school and high school and Immanuel Lutheran.
Through our youth sports program, we're able to provide baseball, basketball, flag football, mighty mite football, softball and volleyball to kids in the Lockwood community.
From supporting needs at the library to sponsoring students going to Boys & Girls State, there are lots of other ways we're serving the youth of our community!